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Motion Control Products(简称MCP)研发出了新型线形执行机构和控制器系列产品。concens执行器和控制器适应于广泛领域内的要癫痫病的起因有哪些求,是很具潜力的产品。这些领域包括医学、农业、食品、制药工业等。

防水性能的Con C3控制器有很多装配选项,能够在各个方向实现远程控制的灵活操作。

New concens linear actuators range

Motion Control Products (MCP) has a new range of linear act癫痫的危害有哪些uators and controllers from concens. The concens actuator and controller is a patented product for use in a wide variety of applications including medical, agricultural, mobility, food industry and the pharmaceutical industry. Con actuators are available with diameters of 20, 35 and 50mm, with stainless steel bodies and high IP66 protection. The quick-running ironleovements for different in治疗癫痫最好的医院dustrial or domestic applications. The waterpro癫痫治疗专家of Con C3 controller has many assembling options and can be activated in all directions with remote control function.


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